The sun is slowly rising in the east lightning the sky. The birds started chirping, the cold breeze is blowing and its really a pleasant weather. The sun's ray is falling on the face of a girl who is sleeping peacefully on the bed. To avoid sunlight falling on her face, she brought the backside of her palm infront of her face in order to get rid of the sunlight and turned to the other side of the bed.
I was sleeping peacefully suddenly the alarm started ringing so badly that my eardrum can damage anytime. I jumped out of the bed and stopped the alarm then I see the time it's 6:15 am. Suddenly I remember that today I have to reach my office at 8:30 am as I am having a very important meeting today. Without wasting any time, I move out from the bed, Went infront of the tea maker which is located on the small table in the corner of my bedroom in order to prepare a cup of tea.
Usually I prefer black tea than milk tea unless any occasion. After having a cup of tea, I went to the washroom to take a shower then I went to my closet to search for the clothes which I am going to wear for today's meeting. After searching for five to seven minutes, finally I got an appropriate outfit for today's meeting which is an off white shirt followed by a black trouser.
I quickly wear the outfit then went infront of the dressing table to tie my hair as for today I have just made a half pony on my hair by adding cleature and put some cream on my face so that my face couldn't look dry followed by a light colour lipstick. After that, I went to my drawer and take my watch, purse and bags where my laptop is there especially the pendrive where I have saved today's presentation.
Its now 6:45 am, I went to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast as it will take sometime for me to prepare the breakfast. So I just prepared 1 boiled egg, bread toast which consists of four pieces. Its the only breakfast which takes a very less amount of time to prepare. Quickly I ate the breakfast, washed the dishes In the meantime, the cab arrived as I avail our office cab facility in order to reach office quickly and safely.
After completing all the pending work, I straight away went to the cab and started my journey toward office.
At 8:00 pm
After a very hectic day, Now its time for me to go home as I am just sitting on my chair and thinking about the incident which happened with me three years ago and how I was saved by my parents. That incident still haunts me today although its been three years but still I couldn't forget that incident neither I will be able to forget. One thing I couldn't believe even after seeing with my own eyes that Tanushree with whom I thoughtย my best friend, she is also involved in it and she is backstabbing me when we are friends.
After sometime my phone rings. I checked the caller id as its the call from the driver who is going to drop me home.
Hello. I answered from the call.
Maam I have arrived as you have a drop today. The driver said from the other side of the call.
Yes wait for sometime, I am coming. I said and quickly went downstairs to broad the cab.
At 9:30 pm
I reached my home. I mean in the flat. No no I didn't buyied this flat as I stay here in rent. Its just one bhk flat with one living room followed by a kitchen and toilet.
I am so tired that I straight away leaned myself on the bed looking at the ceiling fan. Missing my family they are in Kolkata. Actually I came here for a project work with a tenure of threeย and half years. Truly speaking, I don't want to settle myself in UK. I am happy in my own country which is my root, where I have my everything. Once this project will end, I will go back to India forever. Even although I have to go to meet my family for 10 days especially in Durga Puja which is one of my favourite festival and I cannot stay in UK in these days.
Suddenly my phone rings. Its Anita my college friend as we studied and passed in same year during our engineering days.
Bol (tell me). I said from the other side of the call.
Hey Vishakha, what up? She asked
Nothing much just life is going good. What about you? I asked
I am in UK. Anita said
Really??? I asked
Yes so I thought to call you since you are also here. She asked
Ok so when we will be meeting. I asked excitedly.
When are you free? Anita asked
Only In the weekend Anita. I replied sadly
Ok so can we meet this Saturday? Anita asked
Sure why not. I am so excited to meet you and that too after a longtime. I said
Haha me too. Anita said
So let's meet on Saturday at xyz coffee shop as I haveย a lot of things to tell you.Anita said
Sure. I said and we both hung up the call.
Author's POV
At Tanushree's house
Maa, I don't want to get married with this guy. Tanushree said
Listen Tanu you just marry him and mend your relationship with Shreyan in such a way, so that he couldn't understand. Her mother said
Maa, you want me to cheat on him after getting married? Tanushree asked her mom.
Yes. Her mother answered
To be continued......
How is the second chapter?Please vote and comment if you like it.Also follow me on Instagram for spoilers. My Instagram id: megworks4
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