1c. πŸ’ž|CHAPTER 1|πŸ’ž

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It is a beautiful morning. The sun is rising in the blue sky, Birds are chirping as the rays of the sun falls on Idhika's eyes. She put the back of her palm on her face to protect from sun's ray and wake up. Somehow she managed to open the eyes and looked at the clock. The moment she looked at the clock, she jumped from the bed.

O My God!!!!!!! its 6:45 am. Today I will be late as I am having an important meeting in the morning. She then went to the washroom to do the morning activities. After sometime, she came out of the washroom and get dressed in an office outfit. (You can imagine the office outfit as per your choice).

Once she got ready, now its time for her to leave for office. Before leaving the room, one last time she looked at the photo of her idol that is "Vihaan Sinha Roy" and smiled. Then she left her room and went to the dining room to have breakfast.

Maa. She called her mother while hugging her.

Yes, your breakfast is there. Her mother said

Idhika went to the dining table and saw what is her breakfast. She is very happy to see the breakfast as its her favourite that is sandwich.

Maa you are so good. She went to her mother and again hugged her.

Ok ok enough is enough. Have your breakfast. Her mother said while smiling.

Idhika then ate her breakfast and was about to leave for office. Before leaving she told her mom.

Maa, please have your breakfast on time. I will call you after my meeting is done.

Her mother smiled at her and she leaves for office. She came to the main road from her home and took a cab to reach office early. Although she belongs to a rich family, she still wants to keep the habit of using public transport and always has the urge to do something in life.

Now she is in the cab going to her office. Suddenly the car stopped She though it must be because of the signals but it is stopped for 15-20 minutes as it was about to complete half an hour. She is getting late for the office. She then decided to ask the driver.

Why the jam is there for so long? I don't think its because of signal .She asked

Madam actually superstar Vihaan Sinha Roy and his convoy is passing or about to pass and that's why all the public transport has been stopped. The driver replied.

O My God!!!! She said as now she is getting late.

Because of this person, she started blushing thinking all these, but at the same time, she is getting late for her office because of him only.

Uff !!!! From now I will not think about this person when I am in a hurry. Because of him I messed up everything. Saying her inner self.

So she just call her manager and informed him that she will be a bit late in joining the office and asked him to reschedule the meeting. After sometime, the jam opened and all the public transport started moving. After half an hour, she finally reached her office and attended the meeting successfully. After that, she again resumed to her work.


Next day

The sun's rays are falling on his face as he get up from the bed and went to the washroom to do his morning activities. He came out of the washroom just wearing a towel as his whole body is visible then he opened the wardrobe to search for his clothes.

Finally he wear a half pant of black colour and a half sleeve T-shirt of blue colour and he went to the gym as a part of his morning routine. In the gym he performed some exercises for 1-2 hours and then he went to his home.

Good morning everyone. He greeted all of them who are present in the dining room.

Good morning Vihaan. His Dad said while taking out his attention from the newspaper.

Good morning Dadabhai (brother). His sister said.

So you are back. His mother asked him

Yes its done for the day. He said and sat on the sofa with a glass of water.

Today I will go to the shooting a bit late. He said

Vihaan, I would like to tell one thing to you. His Dad said

Yes dad. He said while nodding positively.

I think now its time for you to get married. His Dad said

Vihaan's smile faded after what his dad said.

But dad I am not even ready for it as for me marriage is my last priority and my career is my first priority.He said

See Vihaan, whatever your Dad has said its true. Its not like that you will leave your career and get married. You can focus on that after your marriage also. His mother said

Mom, I will only marry when I will find the right person. As marriage for me is not like getting married and all done. Marriage for me means love, trusting each other and respect for each other and understanding. The girl I will marry, I will spend my rest of the life with her. At the end of the day, she will be with me.

I want a very simple girl mom. I know this kind of girl is very rare but among the hundred percent, one percent also exists so I want that one percent only.

I will wait till I find the right person otherwise I cannot marry. Vihaan said and went to his room.

First chapter has been uploaded. Don't forget to give your feedback.

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Id: megworks4

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I am a storyteller who try to create her imagination and present them in the form of story.